The Korea JoongAng Daily has changed its look in advance of its 20th anniversary later this year.

Since it was launched on Oct. 17, 2000, the Korea JoongAng Daily has offered readers the most accurate and timely news about Korea as part of its pledge to be “Your Window to Korea.” 

As it approaches its 20th anniversary, the paper takes that pledge even more seriously, especially in an era of media fragmentation and information overload. 

To show that it is keeping up with the times, the Korea JoongAng Daily has embraced a new design and a more dynamic and modern look. 

In terms of content, our Debriefing series, which takes complicated Korean topics and explains them in an easy but comprehensive way, will be expanded. 

Our Debriefings over the past year have explained complex economic and business topics. They will be expanded to cover political, social, cultural and sports issues. 

To celebrate its 20th anniversary, the Korea JoongAng Daily will also start a Turning 20 series, sharing the stories of people, organizations and institutions that reach that milestone. Through this series, the newspaper will look at the significance of turning 20 — and look ahead to the next two decades. 

Every Friday, the most significant news items of the week will be summarized in an online video series, Need to Know: Korea. The newspaper will also offer the series Curveball Interview, frank sit-downs with rising sports stars. 

The publication day of the English educational section Think English will be changed from Saturday to Monday. It will continue to be a learning tool for the kind of advanced English used in current affairs and English journalism.

Through Korean translations of selected political, economic and cultural articles, students of English will be able to familiarize themselves with up-to-date vocabulary and phrases current in the corridors of governments, businesses and academia.

To comply with Korea’s new 52-hour workweek, the Korea JoongAng Daily will be published five times a week from Monday to Friday starting March 2. But we will continue to deliver the Saturday edition of the New York Times as before. 

After nearly 20 years, the Korea JoongAng Daily wants to once again thank its subscribers for their continuing support. 

We want you to get full value out of our printed newspaper and the resources we are offering online. As your window to Korea, our primary goal is to get clearer and more open with every year.